As a quasi/medical entity we are bound by Federal Law (Hipaa) and forbidden from disclosing your information to anyone !
** For CE registrants 3-Year Membership $15.00. The membership allows you an unlimited number of credits at $ 1.50/crd hour over a 3-year period, plus full access to all .sections of our website. FL State Provider #50-27616
*** For Professionals $25.00 a 3-Year Membership for
Unlimited use of the Kasdaglis' Global Intake Forms (KGIF) . Professionals direct their
patients to an Intake Portal. Upon your patient completing the intake, a printed patient data report, (Hipaa, Consent, demographics, and mini-Mse) is emailed to you and to your patient. The report includes a preliminary diagnostic impression!
**** For Students and Interns the $7.00 - Annual Membership for full access and research. Does not include Ce or
Intake access.
***** For Lay-people the $5.00 - Annual Membership for full access. Does not include privillege to print, or download articles, or Ce or
Intake access.